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Seaway7 to Transport and Install Baltica 2 Offshore Substations in Poland

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Seaway7 to Transport and Install Baltica 2 Offshore Substations in Poland


Seaway7, part of the Subsea7 Group, has been awarded a contract by PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna and Ørsted for the transportation and installation of the substations for the Baltica 2, which is the first stage of the Baltica Offshore Wind Farm in the Polish Baltic Sea.

The deal is worth between USD 50 million and USD 150 million, as per Subsea7’s definition of a very large and sizeable contract.

Seaway7’s scope of work includes the transportation and installation of four substations to the offshore site located in the Polish section of the Baltic Sea approximately 40 kilometres off the coast of Poland between Łeba and Ustka.

Offshore activity is scheduled to take place in 2026, utilising both the company’s heavy lift and heavy transportation vessels.

The four 375 MW substations will be designed, manufactured, and commissioned by a consortium of Semco Maritime and PTSC Mechanical & Construction (PTSC M&C), under a contract signed with the PGE and Ørsted in June 2023.

Baltica Offshore Wind Farm consists of two projects, the 1.5 GW Baltica 2 and the 1 GW Baltica 3.

The developers recently received a permit from the Pomeranian Voivodeship for the construction of the offshore part of Baltica 2.

PGE and Ørsted have already contracted all the necessary components for the offshore wind farm, as well as signed contracts for the installation of foundations, turbines, and cables. The partners also picked the general contractor for the onshore connection infrastructure.


The last step before construction begins will be for investors to make the final investment decision which is expected in 2024.

PGE and Ørsted plan to complete the construction of Baltica 2 by the end of 2027 and Baltica 3 by the end of the decade. Once fully commissioned, the wind farm will provide enough renewable energy to power four million Polish households.

This is the second offshore wind contract Seaway7 has won in Poland, following their award by Equinor and Polenergia in October 2023 for the inter-array cables of the MFW Bałtyk II and MFW Bałtyk III offshore wind projects

This is our second contract award in the emerging Polish market and we are pleased to be taking a role in developing offshore wind in this key location. With this project we also look forward to continuing our long-standing relationship with Ørsted on our sixth offshore wind project together,” said Maria Eidesvik, VP for Europe and US at Seaway7.


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